Saturday, March 23, 2019

Blogging From A to Z Challenge April 2019 - Theme Reveal

This is the grand theme reveal everyone! This year, the Blogging from A to Z Challenge April 2019 is a commemoration of my love for the wonderful wizarding world of Harry Potter. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yesss! I am doing the Potterific A to Z this year. I have a feeling this theme is going to be somewhat permanent. 
So basically I'd be doing an alphabet a day and the blog entry will be a tribute, discussion, show and tell, or another take on a person, phenomenon, creature, or object from the wizarding world. I intend to run this on Instagram and Twitter as well and catch the attention of Potterheads in the cybersphere.
Joining me is my partner in crime, sister dearest --- Sara. Her blog's Sara Writes.
And --- as Sara puts it:
"It'll be POTTERIFIC!!! It'll be FANTABULOUS!!! It'll be MAGICAL!!!"Me ---
I am doing Potterific A to Z to keep my sanity afloat (whatever is left of it, I must say).
The index down below will populate and links will come to life as I take one day at a time at the A to Z Challenge. Topics may change as we march onward, but the theme remains magical! 

I for 
J for 
S for 
T for Time Turner
U for Ukrainian Ironbelly
Z for


  1. I'm a big Harry Potter fan too so looking forward to your posts in April!

  2. I love your theme! I can't wait to read your Potterific posts!

    1. Hey! Thanks Morgan! I have my fingers crossed for this year! Following your recipes!

  3. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas. *Raises Butterbeer toast* Lets DOOOOOOZ this.

    ~ Saraallie
    Sara Writes ~ The Crazy Life of a Silly Little Sister


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