Sorting according to scenes:
Arrivals at Hogwarts Grounds

Rider boat enters an open space. The Hogwarts castle is on right side. The delegation from Beauxbatons is arriving in their large carriage pulled by Abraxan horses. The Great Lake is on the left. The Durmstrang delegation has arrived in their magical ship, emerging out of the water as the rider boats pass by. Sound effects and music play in background.
The Great Hall, the Goblet of Fire, & the Four Champions

Parchments shoot out of the Goblet of Fire, and the four champions are chosen. Firework effects. Names announced. Rider boats pass by.
The First Task: Retrieving Dragon Eggs

The champions and their dragons are displayed, distributed in stunning animatronics on both sides.! Fire effects from dragons, Harry's Hungarian Horntail going wild! Champions racing their brooms! Fleur Delacour's skirt set on fire! Their eggs displayed. Riders feel the heat from the flames!
The Golden Egg and the Prefects' Bathroom: Harry and Moaning Myrtle

The Second Task: The Black Lake and Merpeople

Rider boats take a plunge down into the Black Lake! Harry has gills after consuming Gillyweed, Fleur has the Bubble-Head Charm activated, and Krum has the shark head *rolls eyes*. Ron, Fleur's sister, Cho Chang, and Hermione are held captive by the Merpeople!
The Third Task: The Maze

The maze is another brilliant experience that can be recreated. Each champion's experience can be added to the mix.
Voldemort and the Graveyard

The cemetery was super gothic and really beautiful! Yes I am the person who appreciates cemeteries. If it needs to be recreated, it should be recreated as a ride experience.
Duel with Voldemort

There should be a duel! The iconic Voldemort and Harry duel needs to be there too! Another laser lights and pyrotechnic display.
This post is part of the April A to Z Challenge 2020
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