No cup of Chai is more magical than the one sipped in a mug from the Wizarding World.
Sara and I are infamous for our "Mug Problem". Our philosophy is ...
"You can never have one too many mugs"
And that open minded thinking has led to a full kitchen cabinet dedicated to our mug collection. Of those mugs, the majority is mugs from the Wizarding World (the Potter universe). They have been purchased (with teary eyes at each new mug!) over the years from Hot Topic (salute!), The Wizarding World of Harry Potter (major salute, standing ovation, wand raise!), Walmart, Target, and Box Lunch (salute!).

This year for the Potterific A to Z I am showcasing my "Still Waiting for my Letter From Hogwarts" tumbler style mug from Hot Topic (salute!). To be honest, I had zero clue that Hot Topic would one day launch such stylish Harry Potter mugs. I was dead scared how they would ship in a box but so far, HT has always packed like they ship diamonds! Nothing's been broken!
Photo borrowed from Sara
This magical ceramic tumbler style mug caught my eye because of the Hogwarts silhouette! The castle stands in all its grandeur over the signature rocks and boulders. Even the iconic bridge is there, front and center. I have the love for the castle, so this was a definite buy. Then this is a tribute to the very first Owl Post a witch or wizard looks forward to. I already am Hogwarts Alumni (proud Gryffindor!) but I always cherish that Hogwarts Letter moment *wink* --- that's when you find out there is something "wrong" (magically, beautifully wrong) with you!
I take my Chai and my mugs very seriously! Chai is a sacred affair (like Butterbeer!) *casts a Snape stare* and nothing does my cuppa Chai more justice than the Wizarding World mugs. When I see one of these, I am magically transported to the Wizarding World. They are like my imagination portkeys. I shall continue to collect!
This post is part of the April A to Z Challenge 2020
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