Steak Masala Wings & Legs
The Abbie Recipe
I used Shan Fried Chops/Steak masala to make these homestyle chicken wings and legs. These take 1 hour to get done so yes! A quick fix! I had an HVAC repairman coming over and I managed to pull these off for tonight’s dinner in a jiff.
You Need:

12 wings and legs mix

Shan Fried Chops/Steak masala

Vinegar, 3 tbsp

Hot sauce (as you like)

Coriander powder 1/2 tbsp

Cumin powder 1/2 tbsp

Garam masala 1/2 tbsp

Salt, generously braise the wings

Turmeric, 3 tsp

Fried onions, a handful
What You Need To Do:

Spread the meat out in a large pot

Sprinkle Shan masala evenly to roughly cover the wings

Add coriander and cumin powders, garam masala, turmeric, vinegar, fried onions and salt.

Pour oil to coat the wings and mix well, marinate 15 min.

Set to cook on high heat, fry well until oil separates.

Continue adding water and cooking until meat it well done.

Add hot sauce as desired, and cook a few minutes to incorporate.

Serve as appetizers or as a side to rice!
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