Dropping The Ball on 2020

It’s been a strange year, an year that got cancelled before the 2020 resolutions could even see light of day ••• It’s been an year of the unexpected! •••

I had gotten back from the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in January after partying like crazy over the holidays and New Years Eve

There was news breaking of a virus

starting off in China and crossing orders via tourists and imports ••• February flew by and jokes and memes turned to serious obituaries and remorse as the mortal peril spread worldwide killing by the thousands! •••

Mass graves were dug on an island piece of land to bury the thousands that died in New York alone! A complete lockdown began!

Life in 2020 became centered at sanitizing, stocking reasonable commodities (not following the stupid toilet paper

hoard), staying quarantined, caring for parents and checking on friends and neighbors during tough times •••
Ironically, 2020 turned out transformational for me ••• Big life changes, all brilliant Alhamdulillah ••• Self reflection, mental peace (comparative

), kitchen remodeling, lifestyle change ••• all that rolled out for me this year ••• Above all, thank God, me and my family were safe and healthy.
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