Where to begin? ...
Just here ...
NOVEMBER HAS TAKEN OFF and I am expected to pen down my psychobabble effortlessly into blog entries. November, after all, was when I was found dangling naked --- it was my first performance - the birth cry! - and I am expected to bawl every year around this time. Ah! *dramatic sigh* Things are not so effortless anymore, are they? It is getting difficult. One half of me needs to scream out loud and tell everybody how I hate that they ruled Johnny Depp wrong and then made him resign from Crimes of Grindelwald Part 2 (moron behavior!) --- I just did it! I said it! --- The other half wishes to spiral into silence because do I even wish to speak? I mean ... who's the audience?
Also, because I know I would be providing myself to them on a plate to dissect. But then I have this pet peeve *evil grin - the one in my 4 year old photo above* I do wish to be dissected just a little *winks* see if the world can take the strong, bitter ooze. I was called 'Poison' this year folks! Remember! Year of the Covid 2020. But then, if I put myself entirely out there, I don't wish to be dismembered, you know? Not yet, at least. I don't want the shameless "real thing" to be dismembered by self-serving critical commandos.

I have always invited the CRITICAL COMMANDOS *hysterical Maleficent laugh* and they have had a jolly good time bumping heads together discussing moi, pointing pointy fingers at my metallic spike-studded boots, and twitching noses at my stubborn existence. Yikes! Do we have problems! But I like that kind of silent combat, you know? I enjoy the puzzled expressions. I picture the question and exclamation marks hovering over their bumping heads. And I provide no solid answers *haha!* Everything is left open-ended, a hint of more to come.
So how do I hit that RESET BUTTON this November? It's getting quite stuck as I gracefully age into my mid-thirties you know? Like I do not wish my chaos to be disturbed! Let it be that way. But there is always a wish for peace of mind.This year's exhaustion needs to be recorded in the book of world records! The pandemic, the sanitizing, the fear, the quarantine ... it's made a swampy puddle inside me head, the skin of my palms looks like that of a chicken that took an extra long shower, and my senses are split between "should I listen to Dr. Fauci? Or should I just become a deranged, stout follower of Mr. Ex-President and refuse to believe that we are in the middle of a death scare!
I am doing a bunch of things in November to hit that Reset Button:
1. Attending to my cracked heels!
2. Finalizing the Room of Requirements a.k.a. Abbie HQ
3. Bringing back 'blabber blogging' - need to vent!
4. Answering deep questions about myself, publicly!
5. Scrapbooking
Stay with me!
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