If love were to be a flavor...
It would be a Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Flavor
Go down the main street at Diagon Alley at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter (Universal Studios, Orlando, Florida), and the whimsical corner shop is Florean Fortescue's Ice-Cream Parlour! It faces the Gringott's Bank and has a fire-breathing Ukrainian Ironbelly (a dragon!) heating up the skies overhead!

Their hard pack ice-cream flavors are my most favorite and I head there hungry so I can really indulge without getting uncomfortably full! You'll see what I mean! The souvenir glass ($10.99) comes with two scoops. If you get individual scoops, price per cup (paper cup) is $4.99! It's always the two of us - Sara and I - so we always combine goodness into one magical souvenir cup and then add 79 cents each topping (usually we get 2 toppings) to cover! I personally feel the servers get to drop more toppings in the souvenir glass than in the paper cups. The souvenir glass ends up making some gorgeous Instagram photos!

There's not much to dislike at this flavorful, magical place. The one flavor I would not get again is Lavender and Earl Grey! I made the grave mistake of trying it because I like Starbucks' Earl Grey and Lavender. The ice-cream was EEW! Troll Boogies! --- Not doing that again! The top three flavors for me are:
Salted Caramel Blondie
This one deserves a salute! I will quote my words from a previous post about this heavenly treat:
"Salted Caramel Blondie has to be the ultimate BEST flavor at Florean Fortescue's!!! I am going to recommend that no sane human being should come out of there without having the Salted Caramel Blondie."
Salted caramel --- salt and caramel --- whoever was the genius who put these two together was a master magician and went without global recognition! Unfair! The Wizarding World salutes you, my friend, whoever you are! The ice-cream is salted caramel (caramel ribbons in there!), and chunks of divine blondie brownie! I cannot add enough exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We always, always get this flavor, and end up repeating! It's the most heavy duty flavor so that's where our Ice-cream is Food philosophy comes to play.
Chocolate Chili
It hits you like a firecracker from Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. One minute you are thinking you are eating a premium, rich, chocolate ice-cream and wonder Where's the Chili at? and the next instance it finds your taste buds and your eyes widen! What just happened? And you suddenly cannot stop doing that to yourself again, and again.
Sticky Toffee Pudding
OMG! What just went sticky and gooey and yummy in my mouth? That was my reaction for Sticky Toffee Pudding. The dessert itself is my favorite from The Three Broomsticks and Leaky Cauldron menus. The ice-cream flavor does the dessert perfect justice! Again, this is a heavy duty scoop demanding some respect!

A Florean Fortescue's Ice-Cream Moment (January 2020)
This post is part of the April A to Z Challenge 2020
~ Saraallie
Sara Writes ~ The Crazy Life of a Silly Little Sister