Mad March, mad March, mad March!
I am going to credit the March Hare here (*laughs* hare here, get it?) just because... Madness is me, I am madness.

March Madness is originally a basketball season thing, but a whole new meaning at Abbiesville. Following the Spring Forward, everything jolts into prep gear! We are talking upcoming backyard BBQs, smores, pool parties with the nieces, and lots and lots of back-breaking outdoors work (the stinky part!) The Corona virus is acting as the big villain as Maryland's entered a state of partial shutdown. So the "at home" part in the post title is practically literal here.
Do watch the Foodie Films (an Instagram Story) to catch the March madness.
Elections were going on in some states and I was vouching for Mac and Cheese. Seriously! I was more concerned about making the perfect roux to please my niece. I still need to work on the stringiness of the cheese my niece says! So next time I need to throw in more shredded cheese!
Next, Halwa Puri sounded like the best way to cast the February blues away. As the Puris inflated in piping hot oil, I felt the darkness lift! The Halwa Puri finished and was enjoyed by all! And then the stomach flu struck! Let's not talk about the massive load of Khichri rice that followed.
Elections were going on in some states and I was vouching for Mac and Cheese. Seriously! I was more concerned about making the perfect roux to please my niece. I still need to work on the stringiness of the cheese my niece says! So next time I need to throw in more shredded cheese!
Next, Halwa Puri sounded like the best way to cast the February blues away. As the Puris inflated in piping hot oil, I felt the darkness lift! The Halwa Puri finished and was enjoyed by all! And then the stomach flu struck! Let's not talk about the massive load of Khichri rice that followed.
I finally got down to jotting down my Karachi Chicken Biryani recipe! It took me a while because it was no less than a college report! I had to get it done perfectly, each and every step.
Lots of fish making! I have been doing it for my brother - the keto fanatic of the clan. I am very fond of Kirkland's Tilapia Loins and thus the recipe.
After recovering from a mad bout of stomach flu, the fear of Corona has taken its toll on the planet. While I am not freaking out about the virus itself, I have been dead worried about the shortage of food items! Ramadan's around the corner and things could get bad considering how everybody's looting the retailers. So, I made a final trip to the Desi stores to get the Ramadan staples: frozen whole wheat parathas, and some lentils and rice to round up the supplies.
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