Tuesday, April 9, 2019

The Hamster Wheel

Each morning a new sun dawns upon a new battle
Ah! The tea brews, and oatmeal bubbles!
What? You expected a sword and spear?
Oh no! The greatest of battles are those fought here.
Here! On the fronts of home, work, and the self,
Patience - the only title on my bookshelf.
A migraine might pierce the skill midday
But groceries need doing anyway.
Bills, notices, posts, and such,
This hamster's wheel spins a bit too much!
And then comes the hyperbole of critique and comment,
The absurd dance and a social nonsense.
Silence continues to be my handgun
I operate from a love shrine of materialism.
Don't get me wrong I am a happy hamster!
At the end of the day I am my own master!

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