One winter storm after another is what happened this winter. And what a winter it has been! Some states were literally buried under several feet of snow. It was wild! Abbiesville got its insane load of snow and I got my perfect winter wonderland. Wild winds blew on that one day of the snow storm. The trees were shrugging off the white fluff that was being dumped. And --- shutting up all my Grinch-like demons in a cage --- I got into my fleece pants, tripled up layers of clothing, and headed out to have some winter fun.
❄️🧣WINTER DIARIES☃️☕️🧤 ••• January Episode 1
I must say I took that Winter Bucket List by the horns and made my first snow woman of the season. Gryffindor themed of course! The snow was still falling while Sara and I made our snow ladies.
Hers turned out nice and plump and was named Luna. Mine took a taller, slender and rather Turkish appearance. I called her Queenie! Oh, and I gave her the Elder wand.❄️🧣WINTER DIARIES☃️🧤 ••• January Episode 2
I always wanted to fall flat on ice! We did that this season! Landed KERR-SPLAT!!! There was a lot of snow mischief with my niece.
••• Happy thoughts are crucial for surviving this last bout of the Winter of ‘19 for me. I don’t blame Mr Nobody or Seasonal Affective Disorder for what I’m feeling. Because I like taking responsibility for everything that goes on in my head. It’s foolish, really, because one must not feel guilty for the way the world makes one feel ••• Anyway, happy thoughts as Disney insists all the time are critical for survival ••• They’re difficult to conjure when difficulties and challenges of adult life are getting more puddle-y by the day •••❄️ENJOYING SOME SNOWY DAYS
I enjoy snow days best from inside the house. Hearing the word “Homebody” a lot these days ••• I am a pro at finding cozy nooks within the house and just hiding there temporarily while chores lay awaiting. I like the crunchy noise of snow hitting the house.
Spring Come Soon ••• I’ve certainly had enough of this Winter and for some reason I am always this way pushing the season out at its end. It’s a hassle layering up and not feeling my toes and fingers! ••• It got really rainy lately and the season is saying an almost goodbye now. Spring has already sent me a note with the yard showing freshly sprouting grass seeds, that it’s coming! Perhaps I should rethink getting a potted Hydrangea to grow this time. The former “Arwen” died when planted in the soil. Perhaps the new one - “Queenie” - will survive? ••• TBD
••• Super snow moon, 2019's biggest supermoon, lit up the sky. I was there! Just before starting the dinner service - in an apron - I was balancing myself standing on the day bed in my sunroom! It was a while after moon rising and I was attempting to snap a shot! A very amused father of mine chipped in that it was supposed to be a Snow Moon. I Googled of course to confirm. It was! A tribute to the “snow on the ground” it was the gianormous supermoon! Another name ••• Storm Moon.
Winter Continues •••
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