Spring means colors. But as much as you would like to have all colors of the blooms on display it is always good to reserve the more vibrant ones for Summer. I picked purple and white with yellow accents for my Spring floral ensembles. Easter baskets are always a beautiful base for a Spring floral arrangement. There was one available from last year that had a money plant creeper wrapped around its handle for me [courtesy: Mom]. So, all I had to do to create this floral arrangement was to put purple and white flowers in there. The stems have been cut out of multiple flower bunches from Dollar Tree. It doesn't break your heart when you use pliers to cut down the bunches. Then, I wanted to add a label to the arrangement. I was double-minded between a chalkboard label or a simple paper label. I stuck with paper --- cut out from a writing pad --- because I want to save the chalkboard idea for later.

The kitchen tree shed off its Fall leaves and now has the same flowers welcoming spring. The stems, when cut off, are super easy to insert anywhere into a floral arrangement, or pin on pinboards, and even in your hair if you like! So, that's the overall look of the metal rack I have standing in the kitchen. I'm planning something special for this rack so it becomes an even bigger focal point but that's another project.
Looks so pretty! I think I'll do something similar in my room!