Saturday, November 14, 2015

#6wkMMM Week1,Day7: An Unexpected Journey Weekend

The weekend has arrived and today's the last day of Week 1: An Unexpected Journey. I cannot wait to watch Desolation Of Smaug! ===Back to today's musings=== I started off the weekend with French Toast dedicated to #6wkMMM. Several recipes of French toast are floating on the Internet when you Google Middle Earth / Hobbit recipes. Besides, French toast was also a part of Denny's Hobbit Menu that was added to celebrate the movies in 2012.

BYO Hobbit Slam Denny's

Denny's French toast was of course devastatingly delicious because it was Honey Cake French Toast made from cake batter and not whole wheat toast. I made my own healthier version this morning (sugar free version included) to treat the family. 

Tonight's the announcement for the winner of the giveaway for An Unexpected Cookbook and I have my fingers and toes crossed. I know my luck doesn't fire when it comes to random winner selection but lets see. It's my birth month and I may just get lucky.

An Unexpected Cookbook

The scene where Gollum and Bilbo play a game of riddles is such a treat. Of course, Bilbo's life is on the line here because if he loses Gollum eats him. I adore the predatory looks Gollum is giving him and the incredible fuss he throws each time he gets an answer wrong. Enjoy a couple of minutes of the scene. 

Yesterday, Middle Earth News prompted everybody to caption a photo of the dwarves. And so I did!
"What?! You mean the weekend's half gone?"

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