I was at Walmart ... the long-awaited trip. Guess what? I found Darth Vader hanging out in there with his Valentine. Love finds a way they say, Vader agrees. These are stuffed toys by the way and Vader is a Star Wars original. I would definitely get Gollum if they start selling LOTR merchandise. Which one would you get?

Of course I had to nudge through the checkout aisle to take a shot of this! This is an omen! How can LOTR merchandise resurface? It's time for The Hobbit!
This weekend was insane, like any other normal weekend. I had fallen down the stairs ... ah yes, the Humpty Dumpty moment, and practically wrecked all the vital muscles of my body.

Instead of cleaning up the place finally, I ended up being lazy and guilty for not being able to work. I have developed a thing for that vacuum cleaner, I cannot live without it. I'm lucky though, I have an awesome Mom to help "put me back together again" and a darling sister who took over the workload. I am slowly getting back to business, alhamdulillah.

The study load was fairly less this week and I enjoyed writing about my favorite movie director, Peter Jackson's leadership style in one of the discussion answers (shall write about it later, inshAllah (GodWilling)).
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