This year when I stepped into Weasley's Wizard Wheezes at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, I bought the strongest love potion in the world! Amortentia! Hee hee hee hee! Love is a blasphemous irony in my life, so I feel pretty good about getting this make belief wonder.
It is supposed to cause a mighty infatuation or obsession from the drinker and is considered possibly deadly due to this property. Its look s described to have a "mother-of-pearl sheen" and the steam that rises from it does so in "characteristic spirals".
On our Dec-Jan 2019-2020 trip "Magical Mischief" to the Wizarding World, we had our minds made up to buy the Love Potion bottle. For $10 something it is a beautiful keepsake. We cannot consume the sweet liquid contents because they have an alcohol base to them. Nevertheless, this was a must have.
Hector Dagworth-Granger, the founder of the Most Extraordinary Society of Potioneers, mentions about Amortentia as a deceptive magical concoction versus true love. He writes, comparing it to unconditional love, "Powerful infatuations can be induced by the skilful potioneer, but never yet has anyone managed to create the truly unbreakable, eternal, unconditional attachment that alone can be called love."
Amortentia smells different to each person according to what they find most attractive. Harry Potter smelled treacle tart (his love for Hogwarts and its feasts), wooden broomstick handle (his love for Quidditch), and something flowery from the Burrow (Ginny Weasley!). Hermione smells fresh cut grass, new parchment (her love for studies), and Ron Weasley's hair. That brings us to the question, what would I smell? --- It would possibly be ---
"The fragrance inside an airplane cabin --- the smell of fresh waffles being ironed --- and Butterbeer --- perhaps Johnny Depp's Savage cologne would be the mystery x-factor everybody smells."
This post is part of the April A to Z Challenge 2020
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