Oh! How I hated the stubby, pink-wearing midget called Dolores Jane Umbridge! I wished to slam the book each time I read Hem Hem! --- It is astonishing but I didn't feel the same hate while reading about Voldemort! While Voldemort was a ferocious, evil man commiting sinister acts out in the open, Umbridge was a demon in disguise. She tested people's nerves and had the law on her side to cover up. There was a helplessness I felt reading about the poisonous doings of this evil woman. The helplessness replicated the feeling you get in real life, about real life villains. They keep harassing, manipulating, scheming, and destroying you emotionally. And they manage to get away with it.
So, I'd prefer Voldemort. He maintains his stance as personified evil --- no manipulation, no stabbing behind the back, no cheap tricks!

This post is part of the April A to Z Challenge 2020
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