Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Sesame Basil Chicken Pasta

Boneless chicken chunks from 6 breast fillets
Dried basil leaves, 1 tablespoon
Cajun seasoning, 1 tablespoon
Dried parsley leaves, 1/2 tablespoon
Salt, according to taste
Coarse pepper powder, 1/2 tablespoon
Sesame seeds, 2 tablespoons
Whole wheat macaroni, 10 cups 
Sour cream, 1 cup 
Chicken stock, 1 cup 

  1. Marinate boneless chicken chunks for 15 minutes in 1/2 cup canola (vegetable) oil, 1 tablespoon dried basil leaves,  1/2 tablespoon dried parsley leaves, 1 tablespoon cajun seasoning, 1 teaspoon salt, 1/2 tablespoon pepper, 2 tablespoons sesame seeds, and 1 cup sour cream.
  2. Put the marinated chicken mixture in a large cooking pot on high heat and start frying. 
  3. As the chicken cooks and color changes from pink to white, add 1 cup chicken stock. 
  4. Cook until stock begins to dry, add 10 cups of boiled macaroni, conduct a taste test and add salt accordingly, cook all the way until dry.
  5. Serve hot with a garnish of dried parsley leaves.

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