Spring was a healer for me and I made it into one because my shattered nerves needed some catharsis. I never knew I'd be making a Spring bucket list someday but I believe the most traumatic experiences put you in touch with the most unique aspects of your personality. I was on a very challenging trip, away from home when the year began. Let's just say it was a 'not-too-pleasant' adventure. There was chaos, panic, and fast-paced madness that induced an emotional wreckage of nerves. On coming back, I intended to enjoy the slowness of things. I was ready to sit and watch the grass grow. I selected some easy Bucket List goals and was able to complete everything!
March 20, 2017 - June 20, 2017

The world does everything that trends on Pinterest and everybody was putting lemons into everything. Life had been giving me all sorts of lemons (pun intended!) so I decided to churn them in. Bilbo's Tea Cake has to be one of those baking projects that I hold very close to my heart because they became part of my Middle Earth 6 Week Movie Marathon. It won many accolades from the Twitter team of Middle Earth. And it tasted really good! I can almost imagine Bilbo serving this!
Despite the fact that 95% of the blooms had been killed by late winter chill, I managed to visit the Cherry Blossoms (Japan's Yoshino trees) this year and got some pretty pictures taken! They also became part of one of my poems of National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo) 2017 in April.

I am not an outdoorsy person. I am such an indoors-y person that I made an artificial fairy garden inside the house! Imagine! But I did sit outdoors this Spring and had my Chai. It was in my Madhatter teacup and it added to the feel of insanity and Spring together.

I managed to succeed at this as far as tidying up my HQ is concerned. All the Fall and Winter themed decor was taken off and stowed away in storage bins and Summer and Spring decor took over. The wardrobe are is still a malfunction.

I like putting up little ensembles of the season in different areas of the house. It creates a welcoming, seasonal feel and keeps depressing vibes away. It gives me an opportunity to create little artsy wonders. I did not have something specific in mind when I was planning the Spring decor but I ended up doing something I always wanted to do outside in the garden. I made my very own indoor fairy garden.

I put together floral prints as an ode to the Cherry Blossoms and Hydrangeas that were in my life this season. I kept the black though. It is my loyalty to my Goth code.

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