Thursday, October 27, 2016

#Almost30 Still Weird

Here comes November and I am all set to blow the thirtieth candle on a majestic birthday cake (because it'll be from Sara's Baked Creations, o'course). A quick Desi Expectations Checklist At 30:

In my case, I am living the inverted pyramid of needs - diagram below. I have my business, my car, my place, an MBA degree, and I have also accomplished the annual religious pilgrimage (Hajj - that most people do when they are ages old), and yet I am rolling single! I don't have children but I am a parental figure to a gorgeous niece, a fantastic homemaker to a family of 4, and a miracle-worker landlady to a diverse bunch of tenants (students, medical care facility, and single parents). I am very, very grateful for everything.

Found this off the Internet, edited it.

So you're supposed to work your way upwards. I've been going up and down the pyramid in no particular order - supreme chaos and confusion for King Tutenkhamen. 

"Somebody Explain The Pyramid To This Woman!"

I have always begged to differ, and even though I was 'requested' (by a very pessimistic and discouraging academic figure) not to create waves - I keep stirring up a storm in every water I sail.

30 Weird Things At 30

  1. I talk to myself - entire conversations, sometimes enactments of two characters from my imagination.
  2. I hate chic-flicks, rom-coms, and anything non-action, non-thriller.
  3. Often, I look at my reflection in the mirror and get a feeling as if I am a third person looking at myself. As if I don't know who I am.
  4. I wear a bite plate to sleep.
  5. My hands and feet (nails and skin) turn bluish in the cold.
  6. I practice my RJ voice when I am alone in my car.
  7. I have named my car ARROW - it is a SHE - and the name's inspired by Arrow, the TV show.
  8. I dance in my bathroom
  9. I have transitional vertebrae.
  10. I eat powdered milk.
  11. I never eat full portions of any dessert. Always bite size.
  12. I never eat from a dish that has very little left of something - or something that's lesser in quantity than the number of people.
  13. Brush my teeth after every meal and snack.
  14. I want to adopt a child and raise her/him well.
  15. I comb my hair once or twice a week.
  16. When I wash dishes and set them at the side on the dish rack, I pretend I'm a cashier checking out customers!
  17. I sleep with a pillow between my knees, or with my legs propped up on a pillow mountain.
  18. I have quit sodas.
  19. I used to be 87 kilograms.
  20. I don't believe in soulmates / true love, or anything along those lines.
  21. I am obsessed with masquerade masks, feathers, journals, notepads, crafty bits!
  22. I have webbed toes.
  23. I forgive, but I NEVER forget.
  24. My desk/room is always messy.
  25. I am single and I intend to stay that way.
  26. When a movie theater is almost empty - it creeps me out!
  27. I cannot go to the bathroom - or anywhere in the house - after watching a horror movie.
  28. My first crush was Kenny Morrison (Atreyu) from the Neverending Story.
  29. My all time favorite vacation spot is the Wizarding World Of Harry Potter in Orlando Florida.
  30. I am a writer - I write!

1 comment:

  1. Hahahahahahahaha <3 Love you so much my thirty year old weirdo <3


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