Published in Areeba's Bloglanders
It has been 14 years since I discovered my superpower.gbbbbbbbb It was 2001 when I discovered (think Harry Potter - Hagrid “You’re A Wizard Harry” moment) that I was a BlogGurl. Nobody told me about it, I just crashed into the reality that I was gifted with experiencing some of the most adventurous things in life. My Hagrid was the cyberspace that offered me a portal to type words on and float them onto the world wide web for the planet to read. I feel that the instant you announce yourself as a writer/blogger, you become a limited edition kind of woman. A BlogGurl is unique.
Back in the early ages when blogs were new, none of my girlfriends; infact none of my girlfriends’ girlfriends’ girlfriends, had blogs. There was always the challenge of being bullied by those who did not accept that my life actually was as adventurous as my blog claimed to be. I used scanned pictures from a film camera and there was always an eternal long wait after each exotic vacation/experience before the reel would finish and would be developed. Majority did not believe that the stories I told about Disneyland and Hollywood in California, Windsor Castle in England, Niagara Falls in Canada, the koalas and kangaroos of Australia, the Colosseum in Rome, or the coral reefs of Seychelles were true. As the age of smartphones and social media dawned, I cracked out of what seemed like a cocoon of limited possibilities - think Harry Potter finally mastering the Patronus Charm to shoo away the Dementors. I am a Power BlogGurl now with the magic of Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter at my fingertips. Now I can tag myself, post live photographs and show the world that my life is not telltale fantasy fiction.

So, I start my mornings with a hot bowl of oatmeal because otherwise I’d be constipated. That’s how normal a BlogGurl is. But then I step out of the box and push my limits to make my own headlines. That’s how super a BlogGurl is. I find myself playing so many roles because I run my own show (the blog that is). I am a photojournalist which means I have to take a photo before I drink my latte, eat my pizza, or do anything whatsoever. I am a hero because I always save myself from Monday blues, Tuesday troubles, and the rest of the yaddi yaddi yadda. I am a bard, weaving word magic all day long. My life is that of an expressionist who lives to tell stories, share experiences.
A BlogGurl must also keep it real. Real means practical. Of course my biggest fear is becoming a muffin top if I keep sitting at my grand blog seat all day long. Plus, there’s a looming concern of a blogger burnout. So I always take breaks. Often, I let my craving for blogging marinate so it all explodes beautifully when I sit down to write. Furthermore, I try not to become a social media afflicted emotionless corpse. It’s a state most of the people around us are in when they have smartphones/smart devices in their hands. My blog can always wait for the adventure. I focus on living for the present.
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