The Battle of the Five Armies is the "defining chapter" of The Hobbit trilogy, and possibly the most anticipated movie. The unveiling of the first teaser trailer by Warner Bros. has stirred quite a rush in The Hobbit fans across the globe. I believe this is going to be one of my great adventures this year. I'm planning to watch this in theaters as a special graduation treat.
"One day I'll remember. Remember everything that happened. The good, the bad, those who survived, and those that did not." Bilbo Baggins speaks these morose words as death and destruction begins.

Smaug the dragon is flying loose and turning everything to fire and ash at Lake-town. Erebor, the kingdom of dwarves, has been reclaimed but the worst is not over. Corpses cover the lands, villages and cities have been burned and destroyed, and Gandalf lays wounded.

As the name foretells, this concluding sequel is one epic battle movie. Legions of all kinds living in Middle-Earth: Dwarves, Elves, and Men, will come together, set aside their differences, and fight evil. I cannot wait to sense the same Lord Of The Rings thrill again that I felt when the beacons of Gondor were lit and all Men came together to fight.

Pippin's song "Mist and Shadow" plays as the background music score of the trailer. This transported me back in time to 2010 when I first saw the LOTR movies. It was Fall, and I had cuddled up in my desk chair before the PC with cups of chai and cried my way through Return of the King.

The dwarves are marching to battle in the trailer, the elves have armor of gold encapsulating them for battle, and men have braced up with all the courage they can summon.
"Will you have peace or war?" asks the Bard.
Thorin Oakenshield replies fiercely, "I will have war!"
There is a clash of sword and legions of wild, raging Orcs race forward, to collide with the side of the good. The eye of Sauron flashes! The evil mastermind is in command. The fate of Middle-Earth is to be decided in this concluding spectacular.
"Will you follow me?" asks Oakenshield, "One last time?"
I am SO ready!

"Home is behind,
The world ahead.
There are many paths to tread.
Through shadow,
To the edge of night,
Till the stars are all alight.
All shall fade ...
All shall fade ..."
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