EARLY YEARS – How The Wild Child Was Tamed
My childhood is a kaleidoscope of memories! It’s an adventure labyrinth with bits of Disneyland vacations, trying to climb up the Lion statues at the Trafalgar Square, fascination with The Neverending Story, Sweet Valley books series, scrapbooking and chasing the neighborhood cat. I’ve been an actively cognitive mind since the age of 2! The baby that wouldn’t sit still! I was the kid who could have turned out as brilliant as Harry Potter had Lord Voldemort been real. The notorious little menace was lulled into a creative silence at 6 by a disciplinary schooling institution. The juvenile writer awoke in 3rd grade as I fell in love with an English textbook series “Reasons For Writing”. In 5th grade I made it to print with a short poem called “God” in a youth mag.
FREAKOGRAPHY – How the Creative Thought Developed
Distinguishing myself from the boy-band gibberish of middle-school days, I was a contemporary thinking kid; “The Freak”, more interested in the video cassettes my father brought for me from the HMV. Favorite indulgences were The Neverending Story, Jason & The Argonauts, Sindbad, Willow, and the Disney movies of the various princesses and enchanted castles, poison apples, cursed spindles, flying carpets and the genie of the lamp! Also, my mother fuelled my linguistic skills through popular youth magazines and developed my passion for writing. I consider my creative ideas as Godsend. At 13 I had established a kids club and published a mini magazine!
There’s no harm in being the freak!
At the end of adolescence I discovered – I could create! Praise the Lord!
THE TEEN SYNDROME – Exploring New Perspectives
The first creative metamorphosis happened as I transitioned from fantasy to real world; caught off guard by the Teen Syndrome and its social and emotional complications! The struggle matured my writing into a practical and opinionated expression. I debuted into writing for the youth; its struggles. I discovered the Blogosphere; an easy but attractive way of publishing work in the Cyberspace.
Starting out Business College brought in numerous practical challenges! I sought escapism from academic struggles and dived into Gothic expressionism! I experimented with Dark Expressionism through poetry and prose. The themes of death, depression, macabre and morose came out artistically well. For about a year there I’d switched to a Media Sciences college, to pursue my passion for creative arts, but as the college changed some vital courses I switched back to Business School. I discovered a new writing style through Media Science college. I wrote about society/economic issues and people using a cynical/critical approach and my audience described it as “an armature attack with a dose of humor”. However, it was highly criticized and I realized I wasn’t very persistent in dealing with the mechanics of the social jungle.
It took 15 years to discover the soul of the writer I’m destined to be; having experimented various styles and genres. My best genre is the genre of Experience and Real Life; the best style is humor. It’s about incorporating my essence into my expression. Having learnt individualism and creative defense, I feel that writing experiences and thoughts would help me towards self-discovery.
Our Lord (the Almighty) has blessed us with a lot and the world needs to see it and hear it. As a human being, each one of us is an adventurist, a warrior, a royalty, and we can create magic. The Scribe of Excalibur is an artistic warrior and she rides through the streets of expressionism. She’s a woman of strong word but humorous. Her writing knows no limits because ...
“There are tales to be told; dreams to be lived”
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