I wouldn't in my right mind put my name in the Goblet of Fire! Nope. And if imposter Mad Eye Moody happens to jinx my name into it, I would consume some Nosebleed Nougat from Weasley's Wizard Wheezes to fake a medical condition and get out of there! Suppose they don't buy my excuse ...
Then, I am doomed! I would be a case of nerves! And Hagrid better not try to tell me the first task is dragons because I might pack my bags and leave the premises! I am the person who fears even cats and dogs. And the Hungarian Horntail is no joke! I would die facing the gorgeous beast, be burned alive!
Say I do survive ... by using the Sleeping Draught like Fleur ...
Then the Black Lake task will surely be the death of me! The freaky Merpeople will choke me to death and I will likely not be able to retrieve Sara (they hold a loved one hostage!) so she will be killed too!
Say I do, somehow, get lucky with those dated swimming skills and live to tell the tale ...
The maze will surely knock me out! I am so bad at directions. Always at a 'Direction Loss' as Sara says. I can't even remember the side of my body if I change positions. Ha! Good luck putting me in a maze. I won't ever be found. I'll be sending out a distress signal in 5 minutes.
Say I do, get to the portkey, well --- it is plain death from there right? I mean Voldy shows up with his blokes in that one hot Gothic graveyard, and then kills all fans of Harry Potter, right? What chance will I have? I can side with Lucius Malfoy and try being a Death Eater --- no, that would be too low. That's why I am saying, I am not going to make it.
This post is part of the April A to Z Challenge 2020
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