"Yer A Wizard Harry"
The iconic line was spoken by Rubeus Hagrid, the Keeper of Keys at Hogwarts. Hagrid was the bearer of magical news. He was the one chosen to fetch Harry from his Aunt and Uncle (the Dursleys) to the Wizarding World. Perhaps that's why I love the guy so much. Everything changed when he arrived. He rescued Harry. ever since, he's been iconic. Calling out nervous first years at the Hogsmeade train station, taking them up the lake in boats to the castle, and serving the Hogwarts grounds ... Hagrid was a true Gryffindor. Daring, courageous, and loyal --- a true Gryffindor.
Albus Dumbledore always rested his trust and faith in Hagrid for the same reason. He was the one who transported baby Harry on his bike to Privet Drive, away from the wizarding world. He always stood up for the right, and for those dear to him. His loyalty to Albus Dumbledore, to Harry, and to the greater good was commendable and he proved it several times. Living by himself in his hut on the Hogwarts grounds, Hagrid stood strong to the very end.
This post is part of the April A to Z Challenge 2020
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