Disclaimer: This beautiful sparkly graphic has been inspired (respectable word for copycat-ing) by Sara's Highlights of 2015 In Pictures
2015 was quite an adventure --- definitely one of the memorable years of my life that I will treasure forever. To be honest I was CLUELESS about 2015 and I was thinking NOTHING will come out of it. Little did I know that God had beautiful gifts planned for me. Here's me looking back at 2015 ---

"Ouchie! It's been sparkly I'd say!"
I was SO clueless my 2015 Resolutions were this crazy. Everything was vague. 2015 was definitely a vague start. Did I party like a Hobbit? On the OctoNovember Birthday Trip to the Wizarding World Of Harry Potter I did! Did I look like an Elf? Meh, I had my days. Did I drink like a dwarf? Sure, all the Starbucks though and not ale. Did I fight like a man? Physically, no! Emotionally, I fought like a woman and I'm telling you we do better than those with the Y chromosome. I don't smoke, just Dragonblood incense, so that would count for smoking like a wizard. Rich like a dragon? Sure! I have that in the bag. Alhamdulillah [all praise for God].

Got A Birdcage
Birdcages have been quite the hype lately and I always wanted one for my study. I got pretty lucky and found one that works like a wall hanger/pin board thing. Sara picked it out for me and coaxed me into cracking out of my miserly shell and investing in it. It is a big part of some of poetry and means a lot to me.

Started A Family Tradition
Started a new family tradition of Chandraat Chicken. Basically I conquered the feat of roasting a chicken in the oven at the end of Ramadan and the eve of Eid celebrations. That meant I finally got a roasting pan and shall be enjoying many roasting adventures in 2016.

Started A Life Journal
I believe my greatest accomplishment was to finally start my life journal. I purchased a deluxe Barnes and Noble soft leather bound journal and rip out the first couple of pages in an attempt to write down the perfect beginning. This is something I would pass on to someone significant of a younger generation. If I do not have children, it would be someone else but definitely from a younger generation.

That is the reason I am inscribing my memoirs in there. They are life lessons, incidents of thick and thin, dilemmas of a homemaker who has no guidance except that coming from God. It is going to be a book with tales, lessons, morals, and guidance for anyone who reads it. I started of with Chapter XXVIII (considering I was 28 throughout 2015 until November). I have yet to start XXIX.

Started Doing Chalkboards
I always wanted to do that. I was finally able to get my act together when I found the perfect chalkboard, the perfect chalkboard markers/chalks, and there you have it.

Found Pain Management
This is no less than finding a significant other. I was under the impression that I can tolerate pain. It turns out that I ran dry of patience and concluded I am not Criss Angel. So instead of suspending myself in agonizing pain, I took a comfortable seat at a pain management office and had some good relaxants and NSAIDS prescribed to combat the demon called Fibromyalgia.

Harvest Moon/Blood Moon/Super Moon of 2015
The night skies/weather becomes a klutz in Maryland whenever there is some cosmic activity that NASA wants North America to enjoy. Period. The most recent that we missed due to an overcast is the Geminids meteor shower. So I had my sulk face on when the Twitterverse populated with beautiful cosmic photos. The Supermoon up there is the best thing that happened I believe. The moon was gianormous! But on the exact date when it was supposed to bloody red - there was an overcast! It becomes Sleepy Hollow here when Abbie is trying to shoot the skies.

Created A 2nd Beautiful Cake
Made my 2nd beautiful cake on Sara's 24th birthday. It was a beautiful new technique called the basket weave and roses combined together. I own this cake! Of course my guru of Sara's Baked Creations was hovering overhead like a guardian baking angel.

Revisited Hogwarts
Sara and I traveled to the Wizarding World Of Harry Potter to celebrate our OctoNovember birthday months. It is one place where our imagination becomes real and we rejoice life!

Became A Proud American
I became an official citizen of the glorious United States of America. I took oath, I cried as the Star-Spangled Banner was played, cried again as America the Beautiful was played, I recited my Pledge of Allegiance with great great love and respect for the most wonderful country in the world. It has honored me, respected me, given countless opportunities, and made my dreams come true.
Lived A Beautiful Year Of Being An Aunt
It is the most beautiful feeling in the world to love someone and see them looking back at you with the same love. She turned an year old and I turned an year old with her. This little angelic creature ha transformed me in so many ways in 2015. She gives me a renewed hope whenever I see her face each day that there is pure - selfless - love in this world that can actually stay as is if we choose not to let our mind fall prey to moral pollution. She ignited a powerful parental spark in my personality that has made me more accountable for myself as a person. The little laughs she laughs when I turn into her favorite clown make me feel like a rock star. The giggles she giggles when she's playing with all the Abbie stuff in my study makes me feel like there is a Little Abbie in the making right there. And so, I set out to improve the version of Abbie for this little angel to follow. May Allah grant her a long, healthy, morally guided, and beautiful life, amen.
D.I.Y. Party Masterpiece
Gubby's 1st birthday was a D.I.Y. masterpiece that Sara and I put together. I have yet to compile the awesomeness and post a crafts entry on this one. But this is definitely a big achievement of 2015.

Started Chapter XXIX, Turned 29
This is a massive big load of wow for me. 30 has begun and will complete next year making 2016 a big milestone. I intend to express myself in unique, bold ways next year and reinventing the Abbie is one of my 2016 Goals.

Did Winter In New York City
I carried that 'proud American' pride with me when I walked down the streets of NYC this year. The last I walked down there was 2 years ago when I was a Resident Alien with the same love in my heart for this beautiful country. This year the Alien status was removed and USA embraced me as a citizen. Tears did well up in my eyes as I looked up at the One World Trade Center, the tallest skyscraper of the Western Hemisphere. It stood like a mighty phoenix that had evolved from the ashes of 9/11 and boasted of the rock solid strength of the greatest nation in the world. It is a nation that embraces all cultures, all religions, all casts and creeds, and mixes all shades to form a unique blend of red, white, and blue. In that shared moment with my mother and sister, I prayed, a strong silent prayer.
"May Allah always protect the USA, the greatest country in the world. May all evil eyes and minds that aim at it with malicious intent be destroyed in the acid of their own hate. May there always be a leader to this beautiful country who treats all cultures, religions, and creeds that make it beautiful, as equal. May the USA always shine as the beacon of light on the map of the world and continue to give millions around the world and in space the opportunities, the security, and the welfare that it promises. InshaAllah [God Willing] Ameen [Amen]."

The Adventure Continues ---
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