3 cups of Margaret Holmes Simple Suppers Creole Fixin's [buy from Walmart in canned vegetables section] have been used in this recipe. This can be prepared at home as follows:
In a saucepan, fry 1 tbsp chopped garlic, and 1 cup chopped onions.
Add 1/4 cup fine chopped green bell pepper, 1/4 cup fine chopped red bell pepper, 1 cup boiled rice [brown or thick-grained white], and 1 cup diced tomatoes. Fry well for a minute. Sprinkle 1/4 tsp salt.
Add 3 cups pasta sauce/tomato-basil sauce/tomato puree
Add 1/4 cup vinegar, 1 tsp salt, and 1/4 tsp red chili powder. Add Sriracha chili sauce - or any other chili sauce for spice.
Add 1 tsp black pepper powder.
Check for salt and spice and adjust by adding more.
Boneless chicken pieces [1" x 1"], 3 cups [check photos for idea]
Zest of 1 large lemon
Margaret Holmes Simple Suppers Creole Fixin's, 3 cups [or sauce cooked alternatively, using the above recipe]
Canned red kidney beans, 1 cup
Garlic powder, 1/4 tsp [use garlic paste 1/4 tsp alternatively]
Onion powder 1/4 tsp [use onion paste 1/4 tsp alternatively]
Vegetable oil
Cornstarch [cornflour], 2 tsp
Lemon and Pepper seasoning, 1/4 tsp [available in spices section at Walmart or Dollar Tree] Make this at home: Google 'Homemade Lemon Pepper Seasoning' - I found a recipe by SimplyScratch.com
Fresh, chopped cilantro, 1 cup

In a saucepan, add boneless chicken, lemon zest, lemon and pepper seasoning, a pinch of salt, onion powder, and garlic powder.
Add a cup of water, stir ingredients well, and bring to boil. As soon as the boiling begins, give it a few seconds [about 10] and remove from heat.
Excessive boiling will dry the chicken. Just a gentle boil will infuse the flavor of zest just right.
Remove the chicken from the lemon zest liquid and transfer to a large cooking pan. The liquid will be used later.

To the chicken, add a cup of Margaret Holmes Simple Suppers Creole Fixin's [or the sauce you have prepared], 1/2 cup cilantro, and red kidney beans. Add 1/2 cup vegetable oil and begin cooking on moderate heat.
After a few minutes of cooking, the tomato sauce part will begin to caramelize [separate itself from the oil].
Add cornstarch to the lemon zest liquid and stir well to dissolve all lumps.
Add this cornstarch+lemon zest liquid to the chicken and fry well, stirring quickly to avoid lumps forming. A thick gravy will be formed.
Continue cooking until very little liquid is left and caramelizing begins again.
Add the remainder of the Margaret Holmes Simple Suppers Creole Fixin's or your own prepared sauce. Stir the contents thoroughly and bring them to bubble.
Add a little water to attain the curry-like consistency you need to go with rice.
Simmer cook on low heat - check for salt and spice and adjust accordingly.
Garnish with the remaining cilantro and serve with rice.

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