Ah! 29 days of Ramadan are over and all sorts of fried foods, snacks, and heavy duty sweet goodies have been consumed. As much as I wanted to try new dishes in Ramadan, I was in Sid the Sloth mode and gave in to the hibernation routine.

Sara's Baked Creations was doing its magic and the oven was puffing out puffs of delicious smelling baked goodies air. It all started with the most beautiful cookies of the Ramadan favors Cookie Box. Keep an eye on the magic at Sara's Baked Creations happening on the Facebook page HERE.

Sour cream, parmesan cheese, and chicken sauce made up the rich creamy white sauce that wraped around these delicious whole wheat spaghetti. They served as a wonderful Iftar meal! Grab the recipe HERE.

My pride of performance has to be Chicken Couscous. I had it at one of the Iftar dinners at a community mosque. It was a unique taste - sweet and savory, vegetables, meat, and dried fruits all in one flavorful recipe. I Googled some Arabic couscous recipes and settled for a basic one from Recipes Wikia and changed a little cooking technique. It turned out exactly the way I'd had it at the mosque. You can find the recipe HERE.

It is called Meethi Eid (sweet Eid) for a reason I believe? It is mandatory to sugar-o-fy everything. The main signature Eid sweet treat is Siwaiyyan (vermicelli) and there are not one but two versions to it! I made the Vermicelli Pudding (Siwaiyyan Kheer) which is a milk based pudding. My recipe is right HERE. And Mom gave a guest appearance in the kitchen to make a sweet, fried version. I must try my hand at the recipe myself before I post it. I debuted into Mithai making you can say with Coconut Barfi. Get my recipe HERE. It is a fudge-like, dense but soft, milk-based sweet treat from the Indian Subcontinent and its name has a Persian origin from the word Barf meaning snow. I tried the recipe from Veg Recipes Of India but had to make my own changes of using more oil, more pistachios, additional cooking time, and sugar-free cooking ingredients and technique.

I am the family's magic woman for Sooji Halwa. So when Huma Kalim of Gheza e Shiriin approached me before Ramadan and invited me for a guest post on her blog along with several other food blogger ladies from around the world - I knew exactly what I wanted to add to the mix! The recipe was featured with an article that I wrote about how Desi Muslims (of origins from the Indian Subcontinent) celebrate their Eid in America. Enjoy my piece HERE right from Gheza e Shiriin.
It has been a prosperous month of eating! Mostly it was fried foods and you can get glimpses of our Suhoor and Iftar fun times in the Ramadan Adventure Films compiled on Sisterly Yours. And now I must leave you with a photo of my Eid display.
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