Sunday, March 1, 2015

#iGraphy - Rustic Ensemble, Tempering, Small Wonder, & Novelty Coffee Roaster

Noor, a fellow blogger friend, has a photography linkup - iGraphy - going on and I have a love for photography. A picture is worth a thousand words - what a truthful proverb. Here are some treasures from my daily life that I wish to share for starters. 

"Rustic Ensemble"
This beautiful, rustic ensemble is right next to me as a part of my work desk. There's a Bestie Candy Jar filled with chunks of Chocolate Frog and M&Ms. I keep my incense stick holder and Dragon's Blood incense sticks by Inked right there. There's also a rustic scented candle in a jar, a glass jar with a cork, and a wooden organizer - a gift from my brother and sister-in-law. The green Madhatter tea cup is a gift from Bestie. 

"Tempering for Khaman Dhokla"
Sesame seeds, curry leaves, nigella seeds, and shredded coconut are being tempered to season Khaman Dhokla. This was a whole new cuisine - Gujrati - that I tried out and the results were delicious. I'll be sharing the recipe as soon as I get the photos together.

"Novelty Coffee Roasting Machine"
A coffee and tea cafe that I visited on a Ladies' Date had this coffee roasting machine featured in its store display. Oh, and I also like that potted plant with three round bushes!

"Small Wonder"
My baby niece has become the center of our world and her little antics take up all our lives. The woolen cap and sweater have been hand-knitted by my mother. *smooch* Look at Gubby's hand!

#iGraphy - A Photography link up

1 comment:

  1. Woah! Your desk is filled with so many interesting stuff. Love these photos, thank you for linking up with #iGraphy <3


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