Monday, December 9, 2013

Every Time I Hear That Song

I'm sporting a mistletoe brooch today! W00h00! 💋 and that scarf's going to be my favorite for quite some time. And that's the angelic rune from The Mortal Instruments and the runes lanyard gleaming to brighten my spirits on my handbag! I'm at Dr. D's to get my musculoskeletal issues fixed! There's always country music playing: 🎵Every time I hear that song I go back!🎵 I've liked country music - when I used to listen - but I love rock! Country rock becomes super!
Prompt: "What's the most outrageous thing you've ever done?"
That's easy! I dressed Gothic in my home country where people don't really know Goth. I dyed a couple of locks of hair bright red. Of course, the salon didn't carry a fast red color because nobody did that sort of thing, so it faded to a bubblegum pink after a while.

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